Habits of Highly Effective Dentists – How do you measure up?

By November 27, 2013Dental Construction Blog

Taking the 7 habits of highly effective people, I want to relate that to your dental practice.

Your office and design is one side of the coin. I can, of course, help with streamlining and productivity. I pride myself on dental office designs and construction that promote efficiency and comfort.

primus dental design success - Habits of Highly Effective Dentists - How do you measure up?But your actions and the actions of those in your office will determine the rest.

  1. Be proactive – work with your staff and clients actively, don’t just react to concerns, needs, and complaints.

  2. Begin with the end in mind – make goals and push to achieve them. What do you want your dental practice to be?

  3. Prioritize – don’t overburden yourself or your assistants.

  4. Be optimistic – thinking abundantly and staying positive will improve the attitudes and productivity of everyone in your office.

  5. Communicate clearly – exercise some humility, listen to your clients, and make sure everyone is heard and you’ll have a smooth running operation in no time.

  6. Synergize – work together in order to get more done than just you can do alone.

  7. Stay sharp – don’t let yourself or your skills become dull, otherwise your success will diminish and you’ll be looking at some true doldrums in your practice.

If you keep these quick tips in mind, your dental practice is sure to thrive. And a good looking office can’t hurt, either!
